Friday, February 23, 2007

if studentz ruled Skool...


de hallwayz r empty..
ur standin at de end..
ur lookin' 2 c if ne1 is der..
and all u comprehend..
is dat der's no1 in de whole daymn place..
just 1 tht's only u..
and u think of wat wud ve hppned here..
if skool just came alive...

de teacherz wud b trampled..
de students wud rule..
no more studies no more skool..
we laugh we joke we play around
and all we can think of is de hot background,

where de studentz rule
and de teachers sit in classes doin arithmetic
we'll b teachin 'em how 2 play de way a student wud play neday..

we'll b doin fun, they'll b doin gym
they'll doin geography till der brains go out real dim
and all we du is scream out shout,
coz hey teachers listen up good y'all:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

it's really gd keep it up dog!
