Friday, February 23, 2007

if studentz ruled Skool...


de hallwayz r empty..
ur standin at de end..
ur lookin' 2 c if ne1 is der..
and all u comprehend..
is dat der's no1 in de whole daymn place..
just 1 tht's only u..
and u think of wat wud ve hppned here..
if skool just came alive...

de teacherz wud b trampled..
de students wud rule..
no more studies no more skool..
we laugh we joke we play around
and all we can think of is de hot background,

where de studentz rule
and de teachers sit in classes doin arithmetic
we'll b teachin 'em how 2 play de way a student wud play neday..

we'll b doin fun, they'll b doin gym
they'll doin geography till der brains go out real dim
and all we du is scream out shout,
coz hey teachers listen up good y'all:


Sunday, February 18, 2007

long long..we shall meet

Titania uttered these words as Fellagrinn left her to the lonely house in the shallows which drew even not the attention of a sneaky peddler or two.She knew not I had been eavesdropping on the scene of my father leaving her forever.I didn't care very much and actually, I couldnt care less.I was never close to father and nor he I.we ,our relationship,never mattered to each other but yes, it was a different feeling when he was at home and when he wasn't.
My mother sank down on the oak-carved tabled and wept sorrowfully as if she had been stabbed by a thousand knives.I'm sure she felt that way.Anyway ,who wouldn't be .The door squeaked as I tried to get a closer look at her..quickly, she wiped her tears on her leave-woven dress (we were eleves you know) and opened the door to find me carrying my twig and oak apple doll that i got from my father as a present.I liked the doll because it was pretty and not because my father gave it to me, you know.Mother clutched me in her soft arms and hugged me sobbing.I didnt know what to do or say except to pat her amber hair and hope she would stop crying....

Friday, February 16, 2007

try or der's no chance of change

heylooo d'ya keep on going with life?dunt u get bored sumtime or de other.well,i certainly du.i guess u get tired of living life de same way everi stinkin' day.y du we keep on livin like de same old person sumtimes (for the worse i mean).. and then when itz not expected v change ourselves in particular moments...y du v du tht.coz itz like,1 time we're happy and 5 minz l8r we 're down again?wats up with that?.oh yea sure...its as simple as tht ..but de real questn iz du v chuse 2 live life de same way or hve v given up hope on tryin 2 make a change?.....

p.s.=i knoe dis sucks i just tried sumthin out fer a BORED"D.